Instructions for installation on MS Windows, Mac and Linux


  1. Download *appropriate* version of R for Windows (R-4.1.3-win.exe for GCDkit.Mineral 1.0.0) from here or the CRAN site at:
  2. Install R
    • Run the executable file and select the required items as well as the target directory. Follow further instructions of the installation wizard
    • Select Custom installation
    • Install the SDI (multiple windows) interface
    • If behind proxy, select Internet2
  3. Download the GCDkit.Mineral installer (
  4. Gain administrative rights (if you want to have the Desktop shortcut created automatically)
  5. Install GCDkit.Mineral
    • Unzip the installer into some convenient temporary folder
    • Run RGUI, 32 bit version (shortcut labelled R i386)
    • Drag and drop the file @INSTALL_Mineral.r onto the R Console window.
    • Read the initial information screen
    • Accept the license agreement
    • Select libraries to be (re)installed – note that some of the are required, if not present already in the system (packages sp, R2HTML, RODBC, IRdisplay and XML are essential).
    • For their installation, working Internet connection is required
    • The R system will prompt you to select a CRAN mirror nearby
    • The installation of desired libraries should have commenced by now (you may be prompted to create your own personal library – this is ok).
    • If done, shortcut should have been appeared automatically on your desktop

Running the GCDkit.Mineral: Either double click the icon on the desktop, or type library(GCDkit.Mineral) into the R command prompt. If desired, the Tcl/Tk menu system may be invoked manually by typing menuet().


  1. Download *appropriate* binary version of R for Mac (R 4.1.3 for GCDkit.Mineral 1.0.0) from the CRAN site at:
  2. Install the XQuartz graphical device [if not already present in your system]
  3. Start the R
  4. Install the RODBC, R2HTML, XML, IRdisplay and sp libraries [working Internet connection is required]:
    • Under Packages & Data pull-down menu, select Package Installer
    • Pull down the top-left menu and select CRAN (binaries)
    • Navigate to the correct items (RODBC, R2HTML, XML, IRdisplay and sp)
    • Do not forget to click the “Install dependencies” checkbox
  5. [optional replacement for step 4]:
    • From within R, type:
      install.packages(c("RODBC","R2HTML","XML","sp","IRdisplay"), dependencies = TRUE)
  6. Downloading and installing the GCDkit.Mineral library to your Rapp
    • Download the file
    • Under Packages & Data pull-down menu, select Package Installer
    • Pull down the top-left menu and go for Local Binary Package
    • Select the file directly (so do not unzip it beforehand)
    • Click Install button and navigate to the file.
  7. [optional replacement for step 5] If the above installation of binary package fails (typically the system complains that it is not a Mac OS X binary):
    • Download and the GCDkit.Mineral_1.0.0.tar.gz
    • Under Packages & Data pull-down menu, select Package Installer
    • Pull down the top-left menu and go for Local Source Package
    • Select the GCDkit.Mineral_1.0.0.tar.gz file directly (so do not uncompress it beforehand)
    • Click Install button and navigate to the file.
  8. If necessary, see also:


  1. Install R:
    • In bash, type: sudo apt-get install r-base
  2. Install RODBC library:
    • Still in bash, type: sudo apt-get install r-cran-rodbc
  3. Install the R2HTML, XML, IRdisplay and sp libraries [working Internet connection is required]:
    • Launch R (type R at the bash prompt).
    • From within R, type: install.packages(c("R2HTML","XML","IRdisplay","sp"), dependencies = TRUE)
  4. Downloading and installing GCDkit.Mineral
    • Download the GCDkit.Mineral_1.0.0.tar.gz
    • Install the GCDkit.Mineral library from source. From within R, type: install.packages("FULL_PATH/GCDkit.Mineral_1.0.0.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source", INSTALL_opts = c("–-html")) whereby ‘FULL_PATH’ leads to the installation (.tar.gz) file on your system
    • If copying to clipboard is required, install also the xclip application: xclip --enable-prebuilt-html
    • NB that system has to be set up beforehand enabling building the packages from the source. See Details at R manual page, ?install.packages
Page last modified May 24, 2023